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Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)


Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)

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Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)
Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)

The Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) is a 12-meter long USV that can be operated from a mother-ship or from shore stations, manufactured by Elbit Systems to meet the maritime warfare mission requirements of the naval forces worldwide. It provides multi-mission capabilities including Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Mine Hunting & Mine Sweeping (MCM), Electronic Warfare (EW), maritime security and underwater commercial missions, leveraging modular mission system installation and offering a high level of autonomy. This USV facilitates end-to-end mine hunting operations, including detection, classification, location, identification and neutralization of bottom, moored and drifting sea mines while taking the sailor out of the mine field. It features inherent C4I capabilities for enhanced situation awareness and mission endurance of more than four days.
The Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) capability provides the navy with a significant tactical advantage by effectively deterring and threatening enemy submarines using an available asset with significantly lower risk.
Featuring switchable, modular mission payload suites, Seagull can perform ASW and MCM, electronic warfare (EW), maritime security (MS), hydrography and other missions using the same vessels, mission control system and data links.
Equipped to perform extensive search missions across vast water volumes, the Seagull USV can launch expendable mine disposal vehicles to clear mines. The maximum payload capacity of the vessel is 2,500kg. The autonomous navigation system (ANS) aboard the vessel integrates obstacle avoidance system, which meets the international regulations for precluding collisions at sea. Kraken Sonar was awarded a contract by Elbit Systems to deliver KATFISH (Kraken Active Tow FISH) towed sonar system for the Seagull USV, in February 2016. The KATFISH provides real-time ultra-high resolution seabed imagery and maps for a range of maritime applications.
The Seagull USV is armed with a remote control weapon system mounted with a 12.7mm machine gun. The torpedo launching system aboard the vessel allows the firing of torpedoes against hostile submarines and ensures the protection of naval assets, critical sea areas and high-value assets from submarines. The USV also incorporates a non-lethal weapon system.
The propulsion system integrates two diesel engines, two propellers and a pair of thrusters. The USV has a maximum speed of 60km/h and can continuously operate at sea for more than four days.
Drawing on decades of Elbit Systems’ unmanned systems experience and leadership, Seagull offers navies a true force multiplier. Seagull delivers enhanced performance to naval operations, reducing risk to human life and dramatically cutting procurement and operating costs.

Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)
Elbit Systems Seagull Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV)

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