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Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel


The Holland-class offshore patrol vessels are a class of four offshore patrol vessels (OPV) constructed for the Royal Netherlands Navy (Koninklijke Marine). They are designed to fulfill patrol and intervention tasks against lightly armed opponents, such as pirates and smugglers, but have much higher level electronic and radar surveillance capabilities which are used for military stabilization and security roles, short of outright war. Without sonar or long range weapons, they utilize the surveillance capabilities of the Thales integrated mast, which integrates communication systems and two 4-faced phased arrays for air and surface search.

Royal Netherlands Navy HNLMS Groningen Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel
Royal Netherlands Navy HNLMS Groningen Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel

The offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) resulted from the sale of four existing the Royal Netherlands Navy Karel Doorman-class frigates, and using the proceeds and savings of the sale to commission four dedicated patrol vessels, allow the building of a more capable Joint Support Ship to replace the auxiliary replenishment ship HNLMS Zuiderkruis, and reintroducing a mine-sweeping capability to the Dutch Navy. A contract between the Royal Netherlands Navy and Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding in Vlissingen, the Netherlands was signed in 2007 for the construction of four vessels at a total cost of €467.8 million.
Royal Netherlands Navy HNLMS Zeeland Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel
Royal Netherlands Navy HNLMS Zeeland Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel

The Holland-class offshore patrol vessels are designed for global use, in particular to be deployed to the Caribbean region, the South China Sea and the North Sea. They have the capability to carry out missions such as anti-piracy and blockade duties, and also can be used for emergency transport. They are constructed with heavier mild steel and armour, which results in a more robust ship of greater weight, than the previous M class frigates. Due to their size and sensor suite, the OPVs can be compared to corvettes and frigates. However, their relatively light armament does not fit with that qualification.
Royal Netherlands Navy HNLMS Holland Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel
Royal Netherlands Navy HNLMS Holland Holland-class Offshore Patrol Vessel

The Holland class’ main armament is a 76 mm Oto Melara Super Rapid gun with a firing rate of 120 rounds per minute and a maximum range of 16 km (9.9 mi).Secondary armament is provided by a 30 mm Oto Melara Marlin WS rapid cannon, two 12.7 mm Oto Melara Hitrole NT’s and two 12.7 mm M2HB machine guns. All can be remotely operated. Two water cannons are used for non-lethal protection and fire fighting. In addition, there are six stations for hand-operated FN MAG-7.62mm machine guns. Although there is sufficient space and weight reserve for expansions, the construction does not take into account the clicking on of additional weapon modules. If necessary, expansion with an Mk 29 GMLS (Mod 4 & 5) or an Mk 57 Vertical launching system, making the Holland class a full-fledged naval frigate at relatively low costs.
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