Day 1 at MADEX 2017, the International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition opened its doors today in Busan, South Korea. The event is held during “Marine Week 2017” and takes place in conjunction with Sea Port 2017 and KORMARINE 2017.
In this video, coverage of:
– HHI HDM-4000 Mine Laying vessel for ROK Navy
– HHI HDT-5500 Training vessel for ROK Navy
– Overview of the FFX Batch I, Batch II and Batch III Frigates with HHI
– Lacroix SYLENA decoy launchers, corner reflectors and new missile threats from North Korea
– Hanwha Systems Integrated Sensor Mast for FFX Batch III
– Hanwha Systems IMAST for KDDX
– LIG Nex1 TSLM Tactical Ship to Land Missile
– LIG Nex1 SAAM anti anti-ship missile
– Poongsan GGRM-5 extended range precision guided munition