'Video thumbnail for Leonardo Showcases AW249 Helicopter’s Next Gen Design and Capabilities at Eurosatory'

Leonardo Showcases AW249 Helicopter’s Next Gen Design and Capabilities at Eurosatory

visibility 603 views calendar_month Aug 5, 2024

The AW249 next generation exploration and escort helicopter had its international public premiere at Eurosatory (Paris 17-21 June) during an official ceremony attended by representatives from industry, Italian Defence and international delegations. The result of the strong collaboration between the Italian Ministry of Defence and Leonardo, the AW249 (designated AH-249A NEES – Nuovo Elicottero da Esplorazione e Scorta – known as the ‘Fenice’) is the only Western clean-sheet combat helicopter design, in development to meet stringent emerging operational requirements for the next 30+ years. It leverages capabilities and technologies not available elsewhere today, uniquely and ideally bridging a further gradual evolution of military vertical lift. To manage a rapidly evolving scenario, the AW249 features a complete open architecture with significant further growth and system/capability adaptation to respond to the demanding market requirements. In addition to high performance (speed, range, power margin and payload, Hot&High conditions, manoeuvrability for unmatched nap-of-the-earth flight), core to the AW249 is its ability to be fully integrated and interoperable in the modern multi-domain battlefield (air-land-sea-space-cyber). #military #defense #defence #militaryleak

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