Aerial Warfare

MBDA Successfully Carried Out Qualification Firing of CAMM-ER Missile for Italian Air Force

MBDA Successfully Carried Out Qualification Firing of CAMM-ER Missile for Italian Air Force
MBDA Successfully Carried Out Qualification Firing of CAMM-ER Missile for Italian Air Force

The European multinational missile manufacturer MBDA has recently performed a successful qualification firing of the new Medium Advanced Air Defence System (MAADS), a new generation medium-range missile defence system developed by MBDA using the CAMM-ER missile. The Italian Air Force will operate MAADS, replacing the SPADA system as their Short Range Air Defence (SHORAD) capability, and acquiring new capacity at medium range. During the test, the Detection Centre became aware of the target drone, in attack mode, and proceeded to identify and classify it, recognizing the type of threat, then evaluated the type of defence to deploy and commanding a successful launch of CAMM-ER to neutralise the threat. The trial also verified the correct functioning of the two-way datalink between CAMM-ER and MAADS. The trial was a major milestone, for the first time the Detection Centre module (BMC4I Sirius with an evolved software) was tested and qualified, integrated with the CAMM-ER missile.

The test used a target drone simulating an attack by an enemy aircraft on the launcher, confirming the defence capabilities and performance of both the missile and the entire system in an integrated mode. MBDA is the design authority of the entire system, made up of the Detection Centre module – which includes MBDA’s Battle Management Command, Control, Communication, Computer & Intelligence (BMC4i) and Leonardo’s Kronos Land radar – the Launcher and the MBDA’s CAMM-ER missile. The success of this qualification is the result of the joint work of the integrated Italian and British teams of MBDA, together with the qualified support of SEGREDIFESA (Segretariato Generale della Difesa e Direzione Nazionale degli Armamenti).

A CAMM Extended-Range missile fired during a recent test.
A CAMM-ER (Common Anti-Air Modular Missile Extended-Range) missile fired during a recent test. (Photo by MBDA)

CAMM-ER is the extended-range missile of the new generation CAMM family of air defence missiles developed by the United Kingdom and Italy. The CAMM (Common Anti-Air Modular Missile) is a family of surface-to-air missiles developed by MBDA UK for the United Kingdom. CAMM shares some common features and components with the ASRAAM air-to-air missile, but with updated electronics and an active radar homing seeker. It will replace Aspide in the air defence systems of the Italian Air Force and the Italian Army. CAMM-ER is also integrated into Albatros NG naval system, already sold abroad, to optimise the Naval Based Air Defence (NBAD) capabilities of fleets. CAMM-ER and CAMM are equipped with an advanced active seeker and a “cold launch” system (Soft Vertical Launch). CAMM-ER has a different aerodynamic profile and features a larger motor – designed by AVIO – to provide an extended range.

MBDA is a unique multi-national European group, a world-leader in the field of complex weapon systems, playing a key role in keeping nations safe. Created in the spirit of international co-operation, MBDA and its more than 14,000 employees work together to support the national sovereignty of France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, and other allied countries worldwide. Despite being a European joint venture, MBDA has maintained national divisions since its creation: MBDA France, MBDA UK and MBDA Italy. They were formed by simply grouping in their respective countries the assets and activities of the various French, British and Italian businesses that had merged to create MBDA. As an accelerator for innovation, MBDA is the only European group capable of designing and manufacturing complex weapons to meet the full range of current and future operational requirements of the three armed forces (land, sea and air). Airbus (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%) and Leonardo (25%) own MBDA.

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