Naval Warfare

French Navy Logistic Support Ship Jacques Chevallier Completes Maiden Sea Trials

French Navy Logistic Support Ship Jacques Chevallier Completes Maiden Sea Trials
French Navy Logistic Support Ship Jacques Chevallier Completes Maiden Sea Trials

The Logistic Support Ship (LSS) “Jacques Chevallier ”, named after a renowned French Naval Engineer of the 20th Century, has logged its first nautical miles at sea on the 20th of December 2022. The Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’ARmement; OCCAR) manages the Logistic Support Ship (LSS) Programme for Italy and France. Jacques Chevallier was a naval Engineer. He was a pioneer in the nuclear propulsion field for French submarines and assumed the role of “Délégué Général pour l’Armement” from 1986 until 1989. Several platform systems have been tested by the Temporary Consortium to prepare the next trials at sea. The delivery of the LSS “Jacques Chevallier” to the French Navy is scheduled in 2023, four years after the signature of the LSS contract in January 2019.

The Logistic Support Ship (LSS) will be capable of supporting multiple missions, ranging from naval Joint Task Force to HQ afloat operations, providing medical support (NATO Role 1 / Role 2 Basic) and transporting naval and aviation fuel, fresh water, ammunitions, lubricating oil, food, spare parts and 20 ft ISO containers. With its state of-the art design and technical features, the ship will meet the requirements of a modern Navy in numerous scenarios, integrating projected future Naval challenges. During peacetime, LSS is designed to support Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance Operations and will display modular capabilities, such as modular hospital, electrical power/drinkable water ashore and 20 ft ISO containers. LSS will offer an extraordinary capacity and a high degree of flexibility with minimal support costs.

In 2015, the LSS Programme was integrated into OCCAR and the contract for Italy became effective. In June 2016, Brazil obtained Observer status in the Programme. The units are fully interoperable with NATO and EU partners and will be more versatile than the present generation of logistic ships, benefiting from an extensive use of the modularity concept. With the amendment of the Programme Management Authorisation (PMA) in July 2017, France commenced the integration process into the LSS Programme. The related Memorandum of Understanding between France and Italy was signed in July 2018 and the resultant Implementing Arrangement in November 2018. France fully joined the Programme in January 2019 with the signature of the ProgD Amendment, and the French Global Contract for four Logistic Support Ships signed by OCCAR Director on 30 January 2019.

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