From its inception, the M134 has served as a premier aerial weapon system. The Dillon Minigun is most predominantly used in helicopters, and is now customizable to all military and commercial helicopters. As a modular system, it is easily adapted to any existing platform, and performs equally well in the Fixed Forward Fire or Crew Served modes. Dillon weapons, mounts, and ammunition handling systems have been integrated into 16 different rotary wing platforms totaling more than 817 separate aircraft installations. Current Dillon M134D and M134D-H applications: UH-60, MH-47, MH-53, UH-1 H/N, AB-212, AH-6, Mi-8 Hip, EH-101, NH-90, AS-565, AS-550, AS-330 and MV-22.

The Dillon Aero M134D is one of the most reliable weapons in the world, given its capacity, simplicity in loading, and ease of maintenance. Designed for speed and accuracy, the M134D is a true force multiplier. The rapidity of shooting is of the utmost importance: only guns as rapid as the M134D can achieve the extreme shot density needed to suppress multiple targets in compressed periods of time. Additionally, the M134D is virtually free of recoil. When properly mounted, it moves slightly aft with the first shot, without any tendency to pitch or yaw. This stability is vital, in that it significantly assists in the aiming on and retention of a target. High rates of fire, extremely dense shot grouping, and high weapon stability demonstrate the perfect pairing of swiftness and precision.

Notably, the M134D is predominantly used in helicopters, and is now customizable to all military and commercial helicopters. As a modular system, it is easily adapted to any existing platform, and performs equally well in the Fixed Forward Fire or Crew Served modes. Since 2000, Dillon’s product line has grown to include high-capacity feed systems for the M134D as well as the M240, M60, PKM, .50 cal Heavy Machine Gun, and MK19 Grenade Launcher and support equipment for the Minigun. The Dillon Aero Gun Pod is a self-contained M134D-H weapon system that mounts to either rotary-wing aircraft. It utilizes 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition with M13 links, with a 3,000-round magazine capacity and a rate of fire of 3,000 rounds per minute.

When firing any weapon, especially machine guns, there is a risk of error due to movement in three key areas: platform, gun, and target. Movement error becomes more pronounced as the range to target increases. The M134D is able to counter movement error by increasing the number of shots per second, thus reducing the amount of time between each observed impact. The advantage of the M134D is that it is electronically driven, making it virtually recoilless. Furthermore, because of the combined effects of high rate of fire, extremely dense shot grouping, and high weapon stability, the M134D maximizes its effectiveness to a range of 1,200 meters. The multi-barrel design of the M134D ensures that each barrel only experiences a 500 round per minute rate of fire.