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KORKUT Self Propelled Air Defense Gun System


The Korkut is a self-propelled air-defence gun system developed by ASELSAN in collaboration with FNSS Savunma Sistemleri (FNSS), for the Turkish Land Forces. It was unveiled during IDEF, Defense Exhibition in Istanbul in May 2013. The Korkut is designed to offer an effective ground based short-range air defense system able to destroy modern air threats at a maximum range of 4 km. It is capable of carrying out missions on heavy armoured platforms such as main battle tanks and armoured fighting vehicles. The system is based on the ACV-30 armoured combat vehicle. Serial production of the KORKUT systems began in March 2017 and the first batch of vehicles is scheduled to be delivered to the Turkish Land Forces in May 2018. Turkish Army plans to order 42 35mm weapon systems and 14 command/control vehicles

KORKUT Self Propelled Air Defense Gun System
KORKUT Self Propelled Air Defense Gun System

The Korkut Comnand and Control System vehicle detects and tracks targets with its 3D search radar and while developing a local air picture, evaluates threats and assigns targets to the 35mm Gun System Vehicles. The vehicle provides command mission execution with armoured mechanized troops. It is connected with three 35mm Gun System. It also performs advanced thread evolution and weapon assignment algorithms and identifies friendly forces using identification, friend or foe (IFF) system. The weapon system of Korkut short-range air defense system consists of one tracked armoured vehicle fitted with 35mm two stabilised 35mm KDC cannons using Air Burst Ammunition able to destroy air-to-ground missiles, cruises missile, and UAVs. It can be also used against helicopters and fighter aircraft flying at low altitude with a maximum range of 4 km. Each barrel of the 35mm gun can fire 1,100 rounds a minute high-explosive incendiary (HE-I) and target practice-tracer (TP-T) and air burst ammunition.
KORKUT Self Propelled Air Defense Gun System
KORKUT Self Propelled Air Defense Gun System

The Korkut is a mobile air defense system based on ACV-30 tracked armoured vehicle capable to follow mechanized units while providing air defense for tanks and infantry fighting vehicle. The ACV-30 Platform has increased power pack performance and an improved suspension capability compared to the ACV-15 and the ACV-19. Thanks to this feature, the vehicle has the capacity to carry greater payloads such as heavy air-defence platforms. The ACV-30 vehicle is powered by a 600hp diesel engine coupled to a fully-automatic transmission. Two water jets fitted at the rear of the chassis provide propulsion for the fully amphibious vehicle in water. The vehicle has a maximum road speed of 65km/h, while the maximum speed in water is 6km/h. The vehicle offers STANAG 4569 Level 4 protection against small arms and STANAG 4569 Level 2 blast protection. The vehicle can survive an explosion of 6kg of TNT under tracks.

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