Military OrdnanceMilitary VideosNaval Warfare

Littoral Combat Ship Fires Longbow Hellfire Missile, Strikes Target Fast Boat

Littoral Combat Ship Fires Longbow Hellfire Missile, Strikes Target Fast Boat
Littoral Combat Ship Fires Longbow Hellfire Missile, Strikes Target Fast Boat

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The Freedom-class littoral combat ship USS Milwaukee (LCS-5) fires an AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire missile during a live-fire missile exercise off the coast of Virginia, May 11, 2018. As the first phase of the Surface-to-Surface Missile Module (SSMM) Developmental Testing (DT) for the LCS Mission Modules (MM) program, USS Milwaukee fired four Longbow Hellfire missiles that successfully struck fast inshore attack craft targets during a complex war-fighting environment utilizing radar and other systems to track the targets.

Littoral Combat Ship Fires Longbow Hellfire Missile, Strikes Target Fast Boat
Littoral Combat Ship Fires Longbow Hellfire Missile, Strikes Target Fast Boat

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