'Video thumbnail for Ground Obstacle Breaching Lane Neutralizer (GOBlN)'

Ground Obstacle Breaching Lane Neutralizer (GOBlN)

visibility 3K views calendar_month Apr 25, 2024

For decades, landmines have posed a lethal threat in conflict zones, claiming thousands of lives annually despite ongoing efforts to detect and disarm them. In response, the U.S. Army has intensified its pursuit of innovative solutions aimed at neutralizing these hidden dangers while minimizing risks to personnel. One promising concept undergoing testing is the Ground Obstacle Breaching Lane Neutralizer (GOBlN), designed to create safe passage through minefields by remotely detecting and neutralizing landmines. The GOBlN concept features a M1152A1 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle equipped with a mortar-mounted launcher for neutralization and a mine detection device. By enabling remote operation, this system ensures that soldiers remain out of harm’s way during breaching operations.

#Aerospace & Defense