French Navy Conducts Test Firings with Aster Air Defense Missiles
The French Navy recently conducted test firings of Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles from two of its prominent warships: the air defense frigate Chevalier Paul and the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. These operations, which occurred just before the ships embarked on the AKILA mission, showcased the Navy’s preparedness for potential threats in challenging environments. The Chevalier Paul, serving as the vanguard in air defense within the Naval Air Group (GAN), effectively neutralized a long-range aerial threat using an Aster 30 missile. Meanwhile, the Charles de Gaulle demonstrated its combat prowess by successfully hitting an aerial target with an Aster 15 missile, affirming the operational readiness and efficacy of the French Navy’s multi-layered defense system. These tests, conducted in collaboration with the French Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) and leveraging the operational expertise of the French Navy, closely mimicked real-world scenarios. Such exercises are vital for ensuring that crews are well-trained to handle high-intensity situations during naval combat. The simulated targets for the missile launches included reconnaissance drones and anti-ship missiles, providing a comprehensive assessment of the Navy’s ability to counter diverse threats. The exercises were supported by the DGA Missile Tests expertise and test center (Levant site), which played a pivotal role in coordinating the launches and setting up the targets.