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Aerial Warfare

Prototype Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense Delivered to US Army


Prototype Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense Delivered to US Army

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Prototype Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense Delivered to US Army
Prototype Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense Delivered to US Army

The U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office, known as RCCTO, announced the successful delivery of four cutting-edge Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense, or DE M-SHORAD, prototype systems to the 4th Battalion, 60th Air Defense Artillery Regiment at Fort Sill. Delivering the platoon of prototypes marks a pivotal milestone for RCCTO’s DE M-SHORAD Project Management Office, led by Col. Steven D. Gutierrez, and represents a major landmark accomplishment for the entire team involved. This momentous delivery coincides with the historic reactivation of the 4-60th ADAR in March of 2022 and the subsequent reactivation of its Delta Battery in June of this year. It signifies the continued smooth transition of the 4-60th ADAR from the 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command to the 1st Armored Division, which took place in November 2022.

To prepare for the integration of these groundbreaking laser weapon systems, 4-60th ADAR commenced training in fall 2022. Drivers underwent rigorous training utilizing a surrogate M-SHORAD vehicle specially constructed to replicate the DE M-SHORAD prototype’s size, weight, and power. Additionally, the crews skillfully simulated the execution of the structure of an attack or “kill chain” on the Virtual Crew Trainer Operating Systems provided by the RCCTO. In March 2023 at Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona, crews from 4-60th ADAR and the DE M-SHORAD prototype team came together to conduct a highly successful capability demonstration during a Live Fire Exercise. The event showcased the remarkable potential of these prototypes and left a lasting impression on participants and viewers.

511 Tactical
 Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD) rapid prototyping effort is on-track to deliver the Army’s first combat-capable Directed Energy system.
Directed Energy Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense (DE M-SHORAD) rapid prototyping effort is on-track to deliver the Army’s first combat-capable Directed Energy system. (Photo by Jim Kendall/U.S.Army)

“The delivery of DE M-SHORAD prototypes to the 4-60th ADAR represents a transformational milestone in the Army’s modernization campaign. It is an achievement that adds what was often thought of as a next generation capability, now. These high energy laser systems will be a game-changer on the contemporary battlefield, a critical component of an integrated, layered, and in-depth air missile defense for division and brigade maneuver formations. I couldn’t be prouder of our team,” stated Col. Gutierrez.

Lt. Col. Alex Corby, former 4-60th ADAR battalion commander, notes, “The delivery of the DE M-SHORAD prototypes marks an extraordinary advancement in our military capabilities. Today, Delta Battery etches its name in the annals of military history as the Army’s first-ever tactical Directed Energy capable unit. With cutting-edge technology at their disposal, they are pioneers, forging a path towards a more formidable and agile future for our forces.”

Receiving these groundbreaking systems enables the 4-60th ADAR Delta Battery to embark on collective training with kinetic variants of the DE M-SHORAD, as they were concurrently received in June 2023. This opportunity allows for enhanced evaluation of the integration and employment of these systems within the Army’s integrated and layered air missile defense architecture, as well as their structural alignment within division formations. Looking ahead, in partnership with the Army Test and Evaluation Command, the Army plans to employ these prototypes in a Soldier Touchpoint in FY24. This assessment will provide invaluable insights into the capabilities and limitations of these cutting-edge systems, aiding the Army in its ongoing quest for innovation and progress. The RCCTO, alongside its dedicated partners and 4-60th ADAR, remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation and excellence. Together, they forge a path towards a future where cutting-edge technologies like the DE M-SHORAD prototype system pave the way for an enhanced and robust national defense.

Soldier Centered Design is a key part of reducing risk to ensure an operationally effective weapon system.
Soldier Centered Design is a key part of reducing risk to ensure an operationally effective weapon system. (Photo by Jim Kendall/U.S.Army)

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