The U.S. State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Latvia of Naval Strike Missile Coastal Defense System (NSM CDS) and related equipment for an estimated cost of $110 million. The Government of Latvia has requested to buy a Naval Strike Missile Coastal Defense System (NSM CDS), including tactical, telemetered, and training missiles; containers; mobile operational platforms; integration equipment; ordnance handling equipment (OHE); training equipment and aids; technical publications and data; training; spares; U.S. Government and contractor technical and product support or assistance; and other related elements of logistical and program support.
The Naval Strike Missile (NSM) is an anti-ship and land-attack missile developed by the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA). According to Kongsberg the NSM/JSM is selected by Norway, Poland, Malaysia, Germany, the United States, Japan, Romania, Canada, Australia and Spain. In 2019, the U.S. Marine Corps integrated a land-based Naval Strike Missile into its force structure, sharing costs and interoperability with the Navy. Raytheon Missiles & Defense has teamed with the Norwegian defense company Kongsberg Defence Aerospace to bring the fifth-generation missile stateside. The Joint Strike Missile (JSM) is a multi-role air-launched version of the NSM currently in development. Naval Strike Missile is suited for land attack missions because it can climb and descend with the terrain.

The Naval Strike Missile Coastal Defense System (NSM CDS) is a high-performance ground based Coastal Defence System. It has unique features with a net centric architecture which enables multiple simultaneous engagements and over the horizon (OTH) targeting. These capabilities, combined with the unique NSM™ target recognition, shapes a highly potent and vast SSM system for the future. The system can be closely integrated and adapted to a country’s adjacent weapons and command and control systems. This expands the defended area and enhances the total fighting capability of the force. It was successfully tested in a land-based mobile launcher configuration in 2018 as part of a multination military exercise.
An NSM coastal battery consists of three missile launch vehicles (MLV), one battery command vehicle (BCV), three combat command vehicles (CCV), one mobile communication center (MCC), one mobile radar vehicle (MRV) with TRS-15C radar, one transport and loading vehicle (TLV), and one mobile workshop vehicle (MWV). Each MLV carries 4 missiles and can be connected to the CCV by optical fiber or radio up to 10 km (6.2 mi) away; up to 6 launchers with 24 missiles can be netted together at once.[29] When installed on ships, NSMs can be deck-mounted in packs of one, two, three, four, or six launchers. Total installation weight, including electronics and cabling, is 8,600 lb (3,900 kg) for 4 launchers, 17,000 lb (7,700 kg) for 8 launchers, and 26,000 lb (12,000 kg) for 12 launchers.[30]