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Aerial Warfare

French DGA Completes First Akeron LP Missile Trials Aboard Tiger Attack Helicopter


French DGA Completes First Akeron LP Missile Trials Aboard Tiger Attack Helicopter

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French DGA Completes First Akeron LP Missile Trials Aboard Tiger Attack Helicopter
French DGA Completes First Akeron LP Missile Trials Aboard Tiger Attack Helicopter

The MAST-F (Missile Air-Sol Tactique Futur) Programme is developing the new generation Akeron LP air-to-ground missile for the Tiger helicopter and for the MALE RPAS UAV. It will address the challenges of future warfare, offering a high-precision striking capability with an increased range. The Akeron LP multipurpose warhead will neutralize various types of fixed and mobile targets, including the most protected main battle tanks, light infrastructures and small boats. With a range of more than 8 km from helicopters and up to 20 km from UAVs, firings beyond line of sight are possible thanks to the multi-mode, autonomous and high-precision guidance system. MAST-F’s first delivery is planned for 2028.

Akeron LP air-to-ground missile
Akeron LP air-to-ground missile. (Photo by MBDA)

The MAST-F programme will enhance the Air to Ground capability for the French TIGER helicopter, whose mid-life update is scheduled as part of the TIGER Mark III helicopter programme. The MAST-F missile will replace the Hellfire II missile and will enhance TIGER’s Air to Ground capability to meet the reality of the future ground battlefield. MAST-F will be capable of neutralising the enemy’s Main Battle Tanks, infrastructure and combat groups with high precision and limited collateral damage. It is designed to provide FR combat units with a versatile and precision attack capability. The MAST-F has the potential to be fitted and used by other aerial or terrestrial platforms, and will be integrated into the French Forces training system.

511 Tactical
Akeron LP air-to-ground missile
Akeron LP air-to-ground missile. (Photo by MBDA)

OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) awarded the MAST-F development and production contract to MBDA in December 2020. OCCAR also ensures coherence and coordination with the selected platforms and works closely with the French Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) for the evaluation of the weapons system. MBDA completed the first missile prototype firing in its facility in Bourges, France in December 2022; then the first lethal package trials at DGA Techniques Terrestres in Bourges in December 2022 as well as in March-April 2023. In April 2023, in Cazaux France, DGA Essais en vol carried out the Tiger helicopter test flights with launcher and mockup missiles to gather environmental data. All tests were successfully completed in accordance with the initial schedule of the MAST-F Programme.

Akeron LP and Akeron MP Combat Missile System.
Akeron LP and Akeron MP Combat Missile Systems. (Photo by MBDA)

The Akeron LP (Missile Haut de Trame, MHT)) is a French long-range, air-launched missile of the Akeron MP (Akeron Moyenne Portée), formerly known as MMP (Missile Moyenne Portée; English: Medium-Range Missile). The AKERON family of missiles incorporates the latest technologies in terms of high-resolution multi-band imagers, multi-effect warheads (anti-tank, antiinfrastructure, anti-personnel), data links, and multi-mode guidance algorithms based on AI techniques. All ensuring robust and precise guidance at any distance, in all conditions. Each has their own specifications in order to be perfectly adapted to the missions of the combat units and platforms using them. It is intended to equip the upcoming French Army Eurocopter Tiger MkIII attck helicopter.

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