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RAFAEL ABS-LVC Live Demo at Training Technology Exhibition and Conference in Rotterdam


RAFAEL ABS-LVC Live Demo at Training Technology Exhibition and Conference in Rotterdam

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RAFAEL ABS-LVC Live Demo at Training Technology Exhibition and Conference in Rotterdam
RAFAEL ABS-LVC Live Demo at Training Technology Exhibition and Conference in Rotterdam

AFAEL will participate in IT2EC Exhibition in Rotterdam from 26-28 April 2023.The company will provide a live demonstration of its ABS with an integrated Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) platform. RAFAEL will demonstrate the actual systems consisting of sophisticated constructive simulation software connected to a Virtual Strike Cell simulation all using the ABS-LVC Platform. The ABS-LVC serves as a unique tool to provide LVC integration to massive exercises from the single soldier in the field and up to the joint chief’s commander. These specialised systems together with RAFAEL comprehensive experience have been incorporated into some of the biggest and most complicated IDF exercises.

The LVC integrates and links together all elements of the scenario from a command and control headquarters to the live soldier. The multi-domain LVC platform creates a unified scenario at all levels of operation. It also allows for joint-level and multi-national exercises which connect all military branches: army, air force, navy, intelligence, and special forces. It provides the ability to truly exercise a real-life scenario from every possible dimension and includes a highly capable constructive system. RAFAEL’s LVC is supported by advanced AI capabilities which allow automation of real-time doctrines and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) on every level of the military echelon. The LVC capabilities are all operational and working 24/7 in exercises. The AI integration allows for a range of operational behaviours to be simulated from that of the individual soldier to the brigade level.

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