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Ukraine Begins Co-Production of 120mm Mortar Bomb with NATO Member Country


Ukraine Begins Co-Production of 120mm Mortar Bomb with NATO Member Country

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Ukraine Begins Co-Production of 120mm Mortar Bomb with NATO Member Country
Ukraine Begins Co-Production of 120mm Mortar Bomb with NATO Member Country

State concern “Ukroboronprom” and one of the member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance began to jointly produce 120 mm mortar bombs. The other day, a contract was signed with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the supply of these weapons, so the Ukrainian military will soon receive them. This munition is guaranteed to hit enemy infantry in a radius of 25 m to 60 m, and fragments can fly up to 250 m. In addition, the 120-mm mortar bomb is capable of destroying engineering structures and lightly armored vehicles. 120-mm mortar bomb are manufactured using modern technologies. Production facilities are scattered, in particular, part of them is located in one of the European countries.

In general, a 120-mm mortar bomb can hit targets at a distance of more than 7 kilometers, and with modern ammunition – at a distance of more than 8 kilometers. It will be recalled that earlier Ukroboronprom began mass production of 82-mm mortar rounds abroad. If the 82-mm mine is manufactured according to the technology improved by specialists of Ukroboronprom enterprises, by the hands of employees of the Concern’s enterprises, but outside of Ukraine, then the 120-mm mine is a joint product-means of defeat with the Western allies. The 120-mm mortar is one of the most common types of artillery weapons in Ukraine and is actively used in hostilities against the Russian invaders.

511 Tactical

Ukroboronprom (Ukrainian Defence Industry) is an association of multi-product enterprises (conglomerate or concern) in various sectors of the defence industry of Ukraine. Ukroboronprom has ceased most of its activities across Ukraine since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and has relocated much of its production abroad temporarily. The Concern includes enterprises that operate in the development, manufacture, sale, repair, modernization and disposal of weapons, military and special equipment and ammunition, and participating in military-technical cooperation with foreign states.

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