MBDA’s AKERON MP missile has been fired from the BAE Systems Hägglunds CV90 infantry combat vehicle at a test range in Northern Sweden, in the presence of representatives of the Swedish Armed Forces. CV90 is a highly capable modern infantry fighting vehicle featuring an advanced integrated combat system linked to wider battlefield management systems. The firing conditions for the trial were set to highlight the complementarity of the CV90 advanced combat system with the unique capability of AKERON MP / LYNKEUS, and with regards to winter combat conditions in the Nordic country; with a successful lock-on before launch (LOBL) in TV band.
The combination of AKERON MP/LYNKEUS and the CV90 combat system offers a unique capability for target engagement in complex environments through the combination of either immediate target locking of AKERON in lock-on before launch (LOBL) mode, or target acquisition in-flight in lock-on after launch (LOAL) mode, all this made possible by the information provided to the crew by the CV90 combat system. This ability of AKERON to engage tanks at ranges of 4km, with the option for collaborative combat through the CV90 combat system with a LYNKEUS integrated micro-UAV for scouting is unique.

The Akeron MP (Akeron Moyenne Portée), formerly known as MMP (Missile Moyenne Portée; Medium-Range Missile), is a French fifth generation, network-enabled, anti-tank guided missile system. Featuring both fire-and-forget and command guidance operating modes, it also integrates third party target designation for indirect firing scenarios through its lock-on after launch capability for non-line-of-sight (NLOS) use. AKERON is a unique family of fifth-generation tactical combat missiles incorporating the latest technologies in terms of high-resolution multi-band imagers, multi-effect warheads, data-links, and multi-mode guidance algorithms based on AI techniques.
The Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90; Sw. Stridsfordon 90, Strf90) is a family of Swedish tracked combat vehicles designed by Sweden’s Defence Materiel Administration, Hägglunds and Bofors during the mid-1980s to early 1990s, entering service in Sweden in the mid-1990s. The CV90 platform design has continuously evolved in steps from Mk0 to current MkIV with advances in technology and in response to changing battlefield requirements. The Swedish version of the main infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) is fitted with a turret from Bofors that is equipped with a 40 mm Bofors autocannon.