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Turkish Defense Company SDT to Provide Combat Training Pods for Pakistan Air Force Fighter Jets


Turkish Defense Company SDT to Provide Combat Training Pods for Pakistan Air Force Fighter Jets

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SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)
SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)

Turkish defense company SDT Space and Defense Technologies Inc (SDT) will continue to contribute to Pakistan Air Force (PAF)’s JF-17 fighter jets as well as its F-16 fighter jets with ACMI ammunition training pods. SDT agreed to a project in March at the IDEAS defense fair in Pakistan. It went into effect in June, the critical design review and project review meeting will be held in Ankara soon. The U.S. and Israel make ACMI pods with similar features that are used in NATO aircraft. (SDT) have signed a contract to integrate this pod into an aircraft other than NATO aircraft, which is a first in Pakistan, as the JF-17 is a Pakistan-China joint-production aircraft.

SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)
SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)

SDT F-16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System) is mounted on F-16 and similar air platforms in an external pod, and ensures efficiency in exercises and in the provision of air-to-air and air-to-ground tactics training to pilots. Combat Training Pod features advanced air-to-air and air-to-ground combat training capabilities, such as real-time autonomous position generation, weapon simulation and real-time hit/miss notification, thanks to its long-range and high-speed RF data link and integrated processors. The system has mission planning, live monitoring, debriefing and analysis/evaluation features.

511 Tactical
SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)
SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)

SDT ACMI System is being used by Turkish Air Force effectively in the scope of national and international training exercises. Expandable and programmable (SDR) data link with ad-hoc feature allows training environment for 150-200 aircraft at the same time and promises a Live-Virtual Constructive (LVC) training infrastructure. Autonomous attitude and position generation according to real flight conditions, long range and high throughput data link are main futures of the SDT ACMI system. SDT ACMI System has been operated by Royal Jordanian Air Force at Anatolian Eagle 2019 Exercise in Konya is still being operated by Turkish Air Force.

SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)
SDT F -16 Combat Training Pod (ACMI POD System)

SDT is a privately owned Turkish Defence Company which has been developing indigenous software, hardware and integrated solutions for Defence, Space and Aviation areas since February 2005. SDT is located at METU Technopolis Area in Ankara, Turkey. SDT possesses special expertise in Radar-EW signal processing, image processing/pattern recognition, embedded software/systems, RF Jammer Systems, Satellite Technologies and Simulation & Training systems. SDT is very well recognized by SSB (Undersecretariat for Defence Industries) and is also a full member of SASAD (the Defense Industry Manufacturers Association of Turkey) and SAHA Istanbul (Defense and Aerospace Clustering Association).

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