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NATO’s Kosovo Force Concludes Exercise Golden Sabre 2022 in Camp Novo Selo


NATO’s Kosovo Force Concludes Exercise Golden Sabre 2022 in Camp Novo Selo

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NATO's Kosovo Force Concludes Exercise Golden Sabre 2022 in Camp Novo Selo
NATO's Kosovo Force Concludes Exercise Golden Sabre 2022 in Camp Novo Selo

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) mission conducted a complex crisis response exercise called “Golden Sabre” in the training area of Camp Novo Selo. The exercise was planned and executed under the guidance of the Deputy Commander of KFOR, Brigadier General Luca PIPERNI. It focused on the integration of the different assets and capabilities of KFOR and tested the ability of the various contingents contributed by NATO Allies and partners to successfully respond to any threat that might endanger freedom of movement and security throughout Kosovo.

At the end of the exercise, the KFOR Commander, Major General Ferenc KAJÁRI, expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the professionalism, dedication, and commitment demonstrated by all of the KFOR and EULEX personnel who took part in it. Through regular exercises, KFOR maintains a high level of operational readiness.
Our mission is fully focused on the daily implementation of our mandate – based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999 – to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement, for the benefit of all communities living in Kosovo.

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NATO's Kosovo Force Concludes Exercise Golden Sabre 2022 in Camp Novo Selo
NATO’s Kosovo Force Concludes Exercise Golden Sabre 2022 in Camp Novo Selo

KFOR has a flexible, agile and visible posture on the ground, which allows to promptly and effectively tackle any development on the ground that could affect the security situation; and to undertake all measures necessary to continue fulfilling its UN mandate. Its operations are gradually reducing until Kosovo’s Security Force, established in 2009, becomes self sufficient. KFOR entered Kosovo on 11 June 1999,[2] two days after the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. At the time, Kosovo was facing a grave humanitarian crisis, with military forces from Yugoslavia in action against the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in daily engagements.

KFOR is gradually transferring responsibilities to the Kosovo Police and other local authorities. Currently, 28 states contribute to the KFOR, with a combined strength of approximately 4,000 military and civilian personnel. The mission was initially called Operation Joint Guardian. In 2004 the codename for the mission was changed to Operation Joint Enterprise. KFOR contingents were grouped into five multinational brigades and a lead nation designated for each multinational brigade. All national contingents pursued the same objective to maintain a secure environment in Kosovo.

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