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Vermont National Guard Hosts State Partnership Program Partner North Macedonia


Vermont National Guard Hosts State Partnership Program Partner North Macedonia

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Vermont National Guard Hosts State Partnership Program Partner North Macedonia
Vermont National Guard Hosts State Partnership Program Partner North Macedonia

The Vermont National Guard’s 15th Civil Support Team hosted six Soldiers from North Macedonia for civil support training at Camp Johnson June 6-11 in an exchange as part of the Department of Defense National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program. The soldiers were observing the tactics, techniques and procedures the 15th CST uses to support civilian authorities in the event of a disaster. That support can be advising on response measures, assisting with requests for additional assets, and responding immediately to hazardous material releases that could cause catastrophic loss of life or property. The North Macedonia Army soldiers were from a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear battalion.

“The cross-training conducted was a joint entry with them, first one actually integrating with each other, very cool milestone, where we would do one part and they would take over for the other. We do an initial reconnaissance of the target building to see what hazards/threats are present. After the recon team comes out and goes through decontamination, they meet with the sampling team, operations section and our science officer to determine what and where the sample team took samples from. We would also take duplicate samples for our science officer and medical NCO to run in the analytical laboratory system vehicle to get a presumptive analysis. We also discussed how they would improve our setup and method,” said Sgt. 1st Class Jesse Smith, a noncommissioned officer with the 15th CST.

511 Tactical

The Soldiers conducted lane training for chemical detection, assessed the incident’s consequences, and advised civil authorities — in this case, the Vermont State Police and Vermont Department of Health. The Soldiers from North Macedonia talked with the 15th CST’s civilian partners, the Vermont State Police and the Vermont Department of Health, about their relationships and how they support each other. Vermont State Police Capt. Dave Peterson told the soldiers the 15th CST enhances and augments his team for their missions. This kind of exercise is intended to assist North Macedonia Soldiers as they create a similar CST-style unit to work with their civil authorities.

The exchange was one of many the Vermont National Guard and North Macedonia perform every year. Vermont and North Macedonia have been partners under the State Partnership Program since 1993. The SPP facilitates engagements between militaries and governments and promotes economic and social engagement. The Vermont National Guard is composed of the Vermont Army National Guard and the Vermont Air National Guard. Together, they are collectively known as the Green Mountain Boys. Both units use the original Revolutionary War-era Flag of the Green Mountain Boys as their banner. Following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Vermont Army and Air National Guard members performed missions in support of Operations Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Vermont National Guard Hosts State Partnership Program Partner North Macedonia
A group photo of the 15th Civil Support Team, Vermont National Guard, and a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear battalion from the North Macedonia Army during a State Partnership Program engagement in Colchester, Vt., June 6-11, 2022. The engagement focused on working with civil authorities in the event of a disaster.

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