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RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Unveils Samson Remote Weapon Systems Family


RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Unveils Samson Remote Weapon Systems Family

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RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Unveils Samson Remote Weapon Systems Family
RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems Unveils Samson Remote Weapon Systems Family

Integrated worldwide on thousands of fielded ground platforms, RAFAEL’s SAMSON family of advanced RWS delivers high performance with unmatched survivability. Setting the new RWS standard, the RWS family includes:
-SAMSON 30-mm, high-survivability, low silhouette, with under-armor reloading 30-mm automatic cannon, coaxial machine gun 7.62mm, and launcher for 2 SPIKE™ ATGMs;
– SAMSON DUAL simultaneously mounts two main and secondary armaments;
– SAMSON Mini/SAMSON Mini MLS is designed for use in light vehicles that require improved offensive capabilities;
-SAMSON non-lethal for the effective crowd and riot control


The SAMSON 30 (MK II) RWS offers significant improvements, including lower silhouette, optional armor protection, and improved hit accuracy, boosted crew survivability with under-armor reloading, increased rigidity, and higher gun elevation capabilities – all of which enable improved combat continuity. The SAMSON 30 enables forces to effectively close the fire loop with varying degrees of firepower, from 7.62mm on the coaxial machine gun, through up to 40mm main gun (western and eastern versions) and up to Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) engagement ranges. This gives forces mission flexibility in both urban and open country scenarios, with maximum survivability for the vehicle.

511 Tactical
RAFAEL Samson Dual RWS
RAFAEL Samson Dual RWS

The Samson Dual RWS provides both: the simultaneous use of a wide range of main and secondary armaments, alongside enhanced survivability for both crew and platform. With crew survivability a top priority RAFAEL’s unprecedented under-armor reloading system boosts lethality while maximizing crew protection. The Samson Dual RWS is a robust system that can be mounted on a variety of vehicles, such as 4×4, 6×6, 8×8 wheeled ground platforms and tracked armored vehicles. Incorporates an Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) launcher as a force multiplier (optional). Dual-axis stabilization Weapon decoupling for peacekeeping missions.

RAFAEL Samson Mini
RAFAEL Samson Mini

The SAMSON Mini RWS is designed for use on light wheeled or tracked combat vehicles, fast attack platforms requiring improved offensive capabilities. This single dual-axis, gyro-stabilized weapon RWS accommodates a variety of armaments including a 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 12.7mm, 14.5mm, 40 mm AGL and ATGM Launcher. Supported by a ballistics-protected multi-sensor Sight Pod, with a mechanism for super elevation ballistic angle calculations, the SAMSON Mini provides a ’round the clock response to battlefield challenges. Fully qualified and tested, serially-produced, operationally deployed in active service globally.

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