Snipers assigned to 3rd Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division completed helicopter sniper training with the assistance of 5th Battalion, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division. The team fired at targets while hovering from a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk on Aug. 6th, 2020, at Smârdan, Romania. 3rd Battalion was the home of one of a small number of Special Reconnaissance Platoons created to better bridge the gap between conventional forces and Special Forces. The 15th United States Infantry Regiment is a parent regiment in the United States Army.
It has a lineage tracing back to the American Civil War, having participated in many battles. From 20 August 1990 through 22 March 1991, the 3rd Battalion participated in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm, to free Kuwait from Iraqi oppression. In 1993, the 3rd Battalion deployed three companies to Mogadishu, Somalia, to conduct combat operations in Operations Restore and Continue Hope. In 1994, the 2nd Battalion deployed to Macedonia to deter Serbian aggression. In 1994 the 3rd Battalion deployed one company to Haiti to support Operation Uphold Democracy. In 1995 1st Battalion deployed to Macedonia to deter Serbian aggression.