Germany’s armed forces (Bundeswehr) are currently testing a new variant of MG4 A3 light machine gun, according to a recent service news release. After three weeks of testing and 7,000 injections, the findings are now being evaluated. Along with the Army Development Office and the Heckler & Koch company, the latest improvements are being made so that the weapon can be delivered to troops next year. The German Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) requested the German Army’s Airborne Brigade 26 (Luftlandebrigade 26 Saarland) from Zweibrücken to test the new weapon system in detail.

The advanced version of MG4 A3 light machine gun designed and developed by German firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch. It meets all these requirements perfectly and offers the latest technological advances. It provides unmatched performance characteristics: Owing to its low recoil, the shot is readily controllable, giving high target precision. Its great combat effectiveness and range, optimal rate of fire and simple handling make it a weapon unlike any other. In addition to a new coat of paint, the new version of the MG4 A3 also got a new 4×30 rifle scope. The weight is now around 8.6 kilograms.

The Heckler & Koch MG4 (also known as the HK123) is a belt-fed 5.56 mm light machine gun designed and developed by German firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch. The weapon was developed in the late 1990s and was first seen publicly in September 2001. It has been selected to replace the 7.62 mm MG3 general-purpose machine gun in the Bundeswehr at the squad support level; it will complement the MG3 in other roles. The MG4 will also be the secondary armament of the new Puma infantry fighting vehicle. Overall, it is designed to be light, provide maximum safety to the user and function reliably under adverse conditions using a wide range of ammunition from different manufacturers, without the need to adjust the gas system. The machine gun was initially known as the MG43 prior to its adoption by the Bundeswehr.

The MG4 is an air-cooled, belt-fed gas-operated light machine gun with a positively locked rotary bolt and is somewhat similar in concept to the Belgian Minimi light machine gun. Safety mechanisms on the machine gun includes a manual safety incorporated into the fire mode selector toggle; setting the fire selector lever on the “safe” position blocks the trigger mechanically and locks the bolt in the cocked position. When the bolt is not pulled back completely, accidental firing is prevented by an integral, automatic mechanism that prevents the bolt from traveling forward. In addition, the firing pin cannot reach the cartridge primer until the cartridge has been fully chambered.