[youtue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Y_TQnd3jM]
Al Jazeera reported that the support ship Konarak was hit by a C-802 Noornew anti-ship missile being tested by the frigate Jamaran during an exercise on Sunday. 19 sailors have been killed and 15 others injured in an accident involving Iranian naval vessels in the Gulf of Oman. The incident took place in port city of Jask near the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important waterway through which about a fifth of the world’s oil passes.
The Konorak, a logistical vessel armed with a 20mm-caliber cannon and anti-ship cruise missile launchers, was damaged at night, according official and semi-official media. The vessel had been putting targets out for other ships to target. The Konorak also goes on reconnaissance missions and lays mines. Some 40 people were on board. The Konarak had been putting targets out in the water and remained too close to one, the ship was towed ashore and that an investigation had begun.