The MDT Tiger combat vehicle is a cost-effective, survivable, light protected all-terrain vehicle that seats three to eleven crew members. Incorporating a proprietary armored capsule mounted on a modified commercial Dodge® RAM® pickup truck, the Tiger offers significant advantages in power, room, protection and life-cycle cost. The Tiger is in use with Police and Law Enforcement agencies in the US and Mexico.
The Tiger capsule is a square “box”, with vertical walls, and a unique flat floor throughout the entire cabin, from firewall to rear door. It is very spacious, measuring 3120X1900X1325 mm (137″ X 73″ X 51″). The wide cabin, with a flat floor throughout, allow for tree front-row seats, comfortably seating passengers in full battle gear. Configurations include driver, navigator and commander, or driver + two security personnel.

5 doors and seat mounting floor rails enable various interchangeable seating arrangements, including seating for 8 forward-facing passengers, or 3 forward facing and 8 side-by-side passengers. One roof hatch with a standard weapons ring allow for mounting a variety of weapons and equipment. Situation awareness is achieved with 8 windows – one large, single pain windshield, windows in each of the 5 doors and two rear side windows.
The Tiger utilizes a ballistic system with add-on layers, offering various levels of armor protection. Add on armor panels are all replaceable, repairable, and upgradeable. All windows, including the windshield, offer the same ballistic qualities. Using a commercial off-the-shelf platform reduces initial cost, reduces spare parts costs and reduces maintenance costs. The unique capsule approach allows for easy re-mounting the capsule on a new pickup truck chassis. This significantly reduces life-cycle costs over the life of the capsule, not the underlying truck.