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FN America Wins 13M Contract to Build M240 Machine Guns for The U.S. Army


FN America Wins 13M Contract to Build M240 Machine Guns for The U.S. Army

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The U.S. Department of Defense announced on 7 December that FN America LLC, Columbia, South Carolina, was awarded a $13,273,603 modification to contract W15QKN-15-D-0003 for work on the M240 series machine gun. According to a statement, work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 8, 2019. The M240 family of medium machine guns has long been employed by all services of the U.S. Armed Forces.

U.S. infantryman patrolling with the M240B
U.S. infantryman patrolling with the M240B

The FN M240 (also known as the FN MAG or FN MAG 58) family of medium machine guns (7.62x51mm NATO) has long been employed by all services of the U.S. Armed Forces. The FN® M240B is the “go to/can do” medium machine gun for all branches of the U.S. military, offering absolute reliability, extended range, and an exceptional service life. This weapon’s high volume of fire makes it the principal suppressive fire instrument for the infantry platoon and company. The M240 is one of the most essential and widely used small arms in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ammunition is fed into the weapon from a 100-round bandoleer containing a disintegrating metallic split-link belt. The gas from firing one round provides the energy for firing the next round. Thus, the gun functions automatically as long as it is supplied with ammunition and the trigger is held to the rear. As the gun is fired, the belt links separate and are ejected from the side. Empty cases are ejected from the bottom of the gun.

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