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Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action


Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action

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Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action
Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action

During one of the events at Vostok 2018 maneuvers at the Tsugol training ground, 2S3 Akatsiya and Msta-B self-propelled artillery guns, carried out artillery strike at critical facilities of the mock enemy. Tornado-1 MLRS, Uragan, Grad, Msta-s self-propelled, Giatsint and artillery guns also carried out tests at the firing range. The artillery strike resulted in significant damage to the manpower, wepaons and control systems of the adversary.

Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action
Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action

2S3 Akatsiy SO-152 (СО-152) is a Soviet 152.4 mm self-propelled gun developed in 1968. The 2A65 “Msta-B” is a Soviet towed 152.4 mm howitzer. The “B” in the designation is an abbreviation for Buksiruyemaya, which means towed. This weapon has been fielded in Russian forces since at least 1987 and is currently in service with Russian front and army level artillery units. The 2A65 howitzer, like many pieces of Soviet artillery, is capable of firing nuclear artillery shells.
Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action
Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action

The Vostok 2018 military exercises run from 11-17 September, in the Far East of Russia, Al-Masdar news reported. Around 300,000 troops, 1,000 aircraft, 36,000 armoured vehicles and 80 vessels are involved in the war games, according to the Ministry of Defence. They were joined by the personnel from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Mongolia.
Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action
Vostok 2018: Msta-B and Akatsia in action

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