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WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher


WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher

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WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher

The WR-40 Langusta (Wyrzutnia Rakietowa) is a Polish self-propelled multiple rocket launcher developed by Centrum Produkcji Wojskowej HSW SA. The first 32 units of the WR-40 entered service in 2010. The Russian BM-21 MLRS has been around since the 1960’s and heavily exported, which included to Poland who bought over 200 of them. The Langusta is based on a deeply modernized and re-worked Soviet cold-war era BM-21 launcher. Poland operates 227 ageing BM-21 Grad and 30 RM-70/85 systems and it is speculated that they will be converted into the WR-40. Another step in the modernization of Polish rocket artillery is project ‘Homar’, corresponding to HIMARS rocket system, carried on from 2007.

WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher

The WR-40 Langusta has a slightly modified launcher with 40 launching tubes for 122 mm rockets. It fires both original and newly-developed rockets. The standard rocket of the BM-21 is 2.87 m long and weights 66.4 kg. The new Feniks-Z HE-fragmentation rocket has a maximum range of 42 km. There are also new cargo rockets with a range of 32 km. The standard rocket of the WR-40 weighs 66.4kg. The multiple launch rocket system is manually reloaded within seven minutes by the crew. The launcher can fire full salvo (40 rounds) in 20 seconds. The projectiles are carried by a medium utility truck. The launcher has an elevation ranging from 0° to +55°. Traverse angle from the mid line of the chassis is 70° towards right and 102° towards left. The launcher is raised at the rate of up to 7° per second and vertical plane is powered at the rate of up to 5° a second.
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher

Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher System includes WR-40 MLRS, Automated Command and Fire Control System, Command-Staff Vehicles, Command and Reconnaissance Vehicles, weather station, and Logistical Vehicles. Langusta WR-40 is equipped with modern fire control and navigation systems. The system components include a DD9620T terminal, layer’s display unit, stationary firing device, Talin 5000 navigation system, RRC-9311 AP VHF radio station, and FONET digital intercom system. The DD9620T terminal is equipped with 5.7in, 10in or 15in diagonal resistive touch screen, keyboard and analogue joysticks.
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher

The Langusta WR-40 is based on the all-terrain truck JELCZ P662D.35-M27. Vehicle is powered by the IVECO Aifo Cursor 8 diesel engine, developing 350 horsepower. The chassis is fitted with a slightly modified launcher with 40 launching tubes. The fully enclosed armoured cab can accommodate six troops. The hydraulic tiltable cab offers STANAG 4569 Level 1 ballistic protection and is equipped with an NBC system and an air conditioning system. The vehicle has a length of 8.6m, a width of 2.54m and a height of 2.74m. The weight of the vehicle without rockets is 17,100kg. Truck has a central tyre inflation system. . It has a maximum on road speed of 85km/h and a range of 650km with full fuel tanks. The vehicle can negotiate a gradient of 30o and side slope of 20o. The WR-40 Langusta can be airlifted by the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft.
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher
WR-40 Langusta Multiple Rocket Launcher

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