Day 2 for Army Recognition editorial team at DX Korea 2018, Defense Exhibition near Seoul, South Korea. On this video we focus to the combat and military vehicles presented by the South Korean army (ROK) on static display.
Summary of this video :
00:57 K2 Black Panther main battle tank
01:37 K1A1 main battle tank
02:19 K1 AVLB. Armored Bridgelayer based on K1 MBT chassis
02:51 K21 IF Infantry Fighting Vehicle base on tracked armored chassis
03:23 Recon Vehicle-II CBRN NRBC reconnaissance vehicle base on K200A1 tracked APC
04:06 K277A1 Command and control tracked armored vehicle base on K200A1 APC chassis
04:26 K239 Chunmo MLRS Multiple Launch Rocket System
05:03 K9 Thunder 155mm self-propelled howitzer based on tracked chassis
05:32 K10 automatic ammunition resupply tracked armored vehicle
06:04 K-30 BiHo 30mm/missiles self-propelled anti-aircraft tracked armored vehicle
06:32 K-SAM Chunma or “Pegasus” is a self-propelled, short-range, supersonic surface-to-air missile system
07:03 K152 4×4 light tactical vehicle APC wheeled armored personnel carrier
07:54 K153 anti-tank wheeled armored vehicle with anti-tank weapon Hyun gung
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