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Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter


Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter

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Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter

Mi-26T2 is an upgraded version of the civilian helicopter Mi-26T equipped with BREO-26 avionics suite and glass cockpit with five multifunctional LCD displays, new digital autopilot, and NAVSTAR/GLONASS supported navigation system. The Mil Mi-26 ( Halo) is a Soviet/Russian heavy transport helicopter. Nicknamed the “Flying Cow” by pilots for its unwieldiness and giant size. Operated by both military and civilian operators, it is the largest and most powerful helicopter to have gone into series production. The Mi-26T2’s array of on-board equipment ensures the helicopter can operate in any part of the world, and ensures it can perform flights to international standards.

Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter

Complex modernisation of the Mi-26T into the Mi-26T2 was implemented by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant jointly with Rostvertol, under Russian Helicopters auspices. The preparation of design and operational documentation for the helicopter concluded in 2010. Rostvertol was simultaneously developing an improved Mi-26T in the form of the modernised prototype Mi-26T2. In December 2010, the Mi-26T2 prototype was transferred from the final assembly workshop at Rostvertol to the flight test centre for delivery acceptance and final ground and flight tests, which concluded in 2011.
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter

The Mi-26T2’s navigation suite significantly increases the extent of flight control automation, easing the crew’s role. The Mi-26T2 boasts enhanced safety. The in-flight situation, obstacle and collision warning system identifies possible collisions and gives clear control over airspace to a radius of 9-11 km around the helicopter, sending requests to all aircraft in this area. For in-flight comfort at low or high temperatures, the helicopter is equipped with air conditioning and heating systems in the crew and cargo cabins.
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter

The helicopter is equipped with special features to ease the loading and unloading of the transport cabin. Like its predecessor, the Mi-26T, the Mi-26T2 can be used to transport large sized cargo and equipment in the cargo cabin or on an external swing, to transport paratroopers, or the wounded. This helicopter can be used to carry out a variety of construction and assembly work, and can also be used to deliver fuel (kerosene, diesel fuel), for the autonomous ground-based refuelling of a range of aircraft and other vehicles, in addition to its fire-fighting capabilities.
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter
Mi-26T2 Heavy Transport Helicopter

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