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MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground


MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground

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Recap of Primary Weapons testing for the MD 530G Attack Helicopter; equipped with advanced avionics and a range of guided and unguided armaments. It successfully fired 0.50 calibre and 7.62mm ammunition, and unguided and four Raytheon TALON laser-guided rockets during live fire qualification exercise at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona.
MD 530G is a next-generation armed scout-attack helicopter developed by MD Helicopters. It is designed to provide enhanced agility and firepower for the armed forces.The MD 530G Light Scout Attack Helicopter is the latest in a lineage that spans more than 60 years of industry-leading scout-attack helicopter evolution. Born from the combat-proven MD 530F airframe, the MD 530G is the newest addition in MD Helicopters’ line of purpose driven scout attack helicopters. The armed aerial scout helicopter can be deployed with any rotary-wing unit to provide a comprehensive battlefield command-and-control coordination for the successful execution of attack, reconnaissance and security missions.

MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing - Yuma Proving Ground
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground

The helicopter is equipped with Raytheon’s 70mm TALON laser-guided rocket to provide precision engagement and superior firepower capabilities against soft and lightly armoured point targets. The rocket features a laser guidance kit incorporating digital semi-active laser seeker, a three-axis control actuation system, guidance electronics and the TALON roll-optimising tail-fin assembly. A Heavy Machine Gun Pod (HMP-400) developed by FN Herstal is mounted in a 14in Nato standard bomb rack of the helicopter. It features a 12.7mm FN M3P machine gun with a rate of fire of around 1,100 rounds per minute. The helicopter is also equipped with a Rocket Machine Gun Pod (RMP), which is effective against both guided and unguided rockets. The RMP combines a 12.7mm FN M3P machine gun and Nato Standard 70mm three-tube rocket launcher into a single weapons mount. The machine gun can store up to 250 cartridges. The helicopter is fitted with Dillon Aero’s 7.62mm M134D-H (Hybrid) mini Gatling gun that can store up to 3,000 rounds of ammo magazine. It also features an Arnold Defense M260 seven-shot rocket pod.
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing - Yuma Proving Ground
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground

The third-generation, 24.2lb Moog Weapon Stores Management System (SMS) is installed to manage and control the helicopter’s weapon systems. . It consists of a Stores Management Computer (SMC), two Stores Interface Units (SIUs), two Lightweight Rocket Interface Units (RIUs), a Multi-Function Display (MFD), and a Stores Control Panel (SCP). The MFD and SCPs are installed on the cockpit panel, while the other systems are incorporated in the cargo compartment. The helicopter is also configured with a lightweight Mace Extended Range Weapons Wing (ER2W) with four-station weapons mounting structure. It can carry more than 1,300lb of weapons and ammunition. The MD 530G armed aerial scout helicopter is equipped with combat-proven L-3 Wescam MX-10 and MX-10D EO / IR tactical surveillance systems in a single line replaceable unit (LRU) configuration. The payload incorporates multiple infrared imaging sensors, precision optics, laser designator and an advanced communications suite.
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing - Yuma Proving Ground
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground

Designed for agile deployment with any rotary wing unit, the MD 530G offers cruise speeds in excess of 110kts and features increased capacity landing gear supporting the 3,750 MGTOW (max gross takeoff weight). This allows the operator to utilize the increased useful load for additional range, endurance and weapons. Designed for easy supportability and low-cost operation, MD helicopters’ systems and components are easily accessed and can be maintained at the lowest level possible. Dedicated to successful fielding, training, warranty support and customer support of all MDHI aircraft, MDHI also offers a complete range of both outsourced and turnkey CLS programs to ensure optimal performance for all mission critical engagements.
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing - Yuma Proving Ground
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground

MD helicopters have a reputation for being “the most survivable helicopter in the world”. With the integration of on-board systems that include a Stores Management System, forward looking infrared sensor, and an advanced communications suite in the MD 530G, MD Helicopters has evolved a proven platform to also provide comprehensive battlefield command and control coordination for the successful execution of Attack, Reconnaissance and Security missions. Infused with modern technology and MDHI innovation, the agility and firepower of the MD 530G will provide significant expansion in airborne combat capabilities, enabling military customers to meet mission requirements in austere environments more effectively and efficiently than ever before.
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing - Yuma Proving Ground
MD 530G Primary Weapons Testing – Yuma Proving Ground

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